Feb 09 · 1 min read
On To RC.1
It's been two months since our last beta release - normally we follow a fairly strict release schedule, seeing a new release every month on (or around) the 28th. Since our last release, we wrapped up a majority of the core functionality and foundational pieces of the platform. We've since switched over to filling in any missing pieces and polishing the interface and user experience.
Sep 29 · 2 min read
FusionCMS 6.0.0 Beta 8 Released
Just last week we released Beta 7 with improvements and bug fixes. As we ramp up internal user testing in anticipation of a release candidate, we decided to stray a bit from our once a month release schedule and push intermittent releases out when we feel there is enough of a "step up" from the previous release. This release see's huge improvements to the theme customization system, allowing for a more seamless and intuitive experiences.
Jul 09 · 1 min read
FusionCMS 6.0.0 Beta 6 Released
This month we released a sizable amount of enhancements, new features, visual tweaks, and bug fixes. We introduced Permissions, and heavily refactored our Theming system. We hope you'll join us as we continue to improve FusionCMS as we are near the official stable release.
May 28 · 2 min read
FusionCMS 6.0.0 Beta 4 Released
This update mainly focuses on behind-the-scenes improvements (general housekeeping, code consistency checks, revamping our tests), but also a handful of visual enhancements to the Control Panel interfaces and better form validation reporting. We hope you enjoy!
Mar 31 · 3 min read