FusionCMS is currently in an open beta state and under heavy active development.

Modules: Getting Started

Getting started developing your own module is easy. We've even bundled an Artisan command that performs all the scaffolding work for you, allowing you to just jump right in to the task at hand.

Getting Started

You are welcome to create your Addon from scratch. If you do, reference the Starting Template section for a minimal required setup. Otherwise, you can generate a template through the command line.

Generate Template

First you'll need to download FusionCMS' own command line tool: fusioncms/cli

$ composer -g require fusioncms/cli

Now generate a fresh template with the following command:

$ fusion make:addon acme-myaddon

Your Addon will be generated within a newly created acme-myaddon folder with namespace Acme\Myaddon.

Starting Template

-- acme-myaddon/
  | -- config/
        | -- myaddon.php
    | -- public/
    | -- resources/
        | -- views/
        | -- lang/
    | -- routes/
            | -- api.php
            | -- web.php
    | -- src/
            | -- Providers/
                    | -- MyaddonServiceProvider.php
    | -- composer.json


Your Addon extends the functionality of FusionCMS through the following directories:

Folder Description
config/ Laravel configurations. [See Configurations]
database/migrations/ Database migration files. [See Migrations]
database/factories/ Model factory files. [See Factories]
notification/ Notification files. [See Notifications]
permissions/ Permission configurations.
settings/ Setting configurations.
src/Console Console commands. [See Artisan]
src/Fieldtypes FusionCMS Fieldtypes.


Note: Addons require the latest bleeding edge version (nightly branch).


If your Addon exists on Packagist you can install it like any other package through the command line.

$ composer require acme/my-addon

Afterwards, FusionCMS will register your Addon and run any setup commands.

Local Development


We can leverage Composer repositories for installing a local package to speed up development efforts. This requires you have a local installation of FusionCMS.

Read more about Composer repositories here.

Below is a sample of an Addon including a local package.

    "require": {
     // ...

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../acme-myaddon",
            "options": {
                "symlink": true

Finally, run composer install your local Addon package will be symlinked into FusionCMS.

Addon Configurations

Getting Started


The main entry for every Addon is the Service Provider within src/Providers. This is where all Addon configurations will reside. There is no naming convention, however it's required that you include all Service Providers you want loaded in the extra.laravel.providers namespace of your composer.json file.

    "extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "providers": [

See fusioncms/quotes-module for full example Addon.

On every page request, the Service Provider's register and boot methods will be called along with all other Service Providers. It is recommended at least one Service Provider extends from Fusion\Providers\AddonServiceProvider to let FusionCMS automate the process:


namespace Addon\Quotes\Providers;

use Fusion\Providers\AddonServiceProvider;

class QuotesServiceProvider extends AddonServiceProvider

You are welcome to control how your Addon loads it's necessary configurations. For more information see Writing Service Providers.


Extend FusionCMS' command line tools through commands.


Register your commands through your Addon's Service Provider by overriding the $commands property.

use Acme\MyAddon\Console\BillTedCommand;

protected $commands = [


You will be responsible for creating the commnd within your Addon folder structure under src/Console. The following is a sample command.


namespace Acme\MyAddon\Console;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

class AdventureCommand extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'bill:ted';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Take a bogus journey.';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()
        return $this->info('No Way!!');


You can run your command through FusionCMS:

$ php artisan bill:ted
> No Way!!


Additional configurations can be added to config/{slug}.php file. The file must be named after the {slug} of your Addon.


Configurations are stored as a multi-dimensional array. Read the Laravel docs for more information on how to access and set configurations.

return [
    'allow_comments' => true


You can call your configurations using Laravel's helper method like so.

config('acme.allow_comments'); // => true



Files added to database/migrations will automatically be registered as migration files.


Files added to database/factories will automatically be registered as model factories files.


Event Listeners

Register event listeners by overriding the $listen property in your Service Provider.

use Acme\MyAddon\Events\SomethingHappend;
use Acme\MyAddon\Listeners\HandleSomething;

protected $listen = [
    SomethingHappend::class => [

Event Subscribers

Register event subscribers by overriding the $subscribe property in your Service Provider.

use Acme\MyAddon\Listeners\AddonSubscriber;

protected subscribe = [


Register your routes in the provided routes/web.php & routes/api.php files. Visit Laravel's routing documentation page for more information on how to configure routes.

Control Panel Routing

In order to include links in the sidebar of the Control Panel override the $navigation property. This will create the link in the Control Panel's sidebar.


namespace Acme\MyAddon\Providers;

use Fusion\Providers\AddonServiceProvider;

class AcmeServiceProvider extends AddonServiceProvider
     * FusionCMS CP navigation.
     * @var array
    protected $navigation = [
        'title' => 'Acme',
        'to'    => '/acme',
        'icon'  => 'acme'

Route Model Binding

FusionCMS has the following route model bindings: blueprint, directory, fieldset file, navigation, taxonomy, user. Implicit binding should resolve your model, however if for explicit bindings, include them into your boot method.


namespace Addon\MyAddon\Providers;

use Acme\MyAddon\Models\Acme;
use Fusion\Providers\AddonServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

class AcmeServiceProvider extends AddonServiceProvider
    public function boot()

        Route::model('acme', Acme::class);


Register middleware for route groups in your Addon's Service Provider.

use Acme\Myaddon\Http\Middleware\MyAPIMiddleware;
use Acme\Myaddon\Http\Middleware\MyWebMiddleware;

protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [
    'api' => [



Any files within resources/views will automatically be registered as View files.


Any files within resources/lang will automatically be registered as Translations files.

Task Scheduling

Include any tasks to be scheduled within the boot method of your Addon's service provider.


namespace Addon\MyAddon\Providers;

use Fusion\Providers\AddonServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;

class AcmeServiceProvider extends AddonServiceProvider
    public function boot()

        $this->callAfterResolving(Schedule::class, function (Schedule $schedule) {



FusionCMS already provides a vast collection of Fieldtypes, however you may wish to add another. Register your Fieldtypes by overriding the $fieldtypes property in the Service Provider.


namespace Addon\MyAddon\Providers;

use Acme\MyAddon\Fieldtypes\MyFieldType;
use Fusion\Providers\AddonServiceProvider;

class AcmeServiceProvider extends AddonServiceProvider
    protected $fieldtypes = [

    // ...

After your Fiedltype has been registered there's still the JS portion to complete. See the full article here.


You can introduce additional settings to FusionCMS's Control Panel. These settings can be then used within FusionCMS to control certain aspects of the system.

// Example
return [
  'name' => 'WarpSpeed',
  'description' => 'Settings for the WarpSpeed Addon.',
  'group' => 'Addons',
  'icon' => 'starship',
  'settings' => [
    'General' => [
        'name' => 'Top Speed',
        'handle' => 'warpspeed_top_speed',
        'description' => 'Maximum speed setting.'
        'type' => 'number',
        'default' => 10

For more information see the full article.

Merged in through php artisan fusion:sync.


Register notifications.

// Example
return [
  'WarpSpeed' => [
    'MaximumWarp' => WarpSpeed\Notifications\MaximumWarp::class,

For more information see the full article.

Merged in through php artisan fusion:sync.


// Example
return [
  'warp' => ['viewAny', 'view', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],

See permissions page for more information.

Merged in through php artisan fusion:sync.


JavaScript and CSS Resources

Your Addon will be responsible for compiling Javascript and CSS assets into the public/ folder. Register your front-end assets in your Addon's Service Provider by overriding $assets.

protected $assets = [

*slug = slugified version of your Addon's name.

CLI Commands

The following Artisan commands can be run through the command line.

Command Description
addon:discover Discover and register all addons.
addon:list List all registered addons.
Have questions?

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have. Contact support or chat live with us on Discord.

Last edited on Friday, April 02, 2021 (3 years ago)