FusionCMS is currently in an open beta state and under heavy active development.


Singles can be thought of as a single page with a purpose (i.e. home page, blog overview, contact form), hence the name Singles!


Singles are great for single purpose pages to show or collect important information. There are several other use cases. Let's a take a look at a few:

Use Cases

  • Landing Page
    • Website home page.
    • Redirect your users to a Thank You page after filling out a form.
    • Redirect your users from a promotional newsletter link.
  • Overview Page (to supplement Collections).
    • After creating a Collection of blog posts, next you may want to create a home page for your blog.
  • One-Off Pages
    • Depending on the needs of your website you may have several footer links with some one-off informational pages (i.e. F.A.Qs, Shipping Information).


Initially, a page will only start with a name field. This can further be expanded with additional fields. Let's discuss some configurations and see how they can be leveraged to fit your needs.

General Information

General information about the Single.

  • Name - Give your Single a memorable name
    • e.g. Blog Overview, F.A.Q.
  • Handle - Developer-friendly identifier (advanced usage).
  • Description - Give a short description to help describe the purpose of the Single.


Page reference configurations for the Control Panel.

  • Name Label - Change the label of the name field to best suit your needs.
    • e.g. you're hosting a book club event and want Book to be the label of the name field.


Configurations to alter how the page is experienced from the front-end.

  • Route - Provide a URI pattern or string to access the Single.
    • e.g. F.A.Q page - faq => /faq
    • e.g. blog landing page - blog => /blog
  • Template - Provide a template name to render Single.
    • e.g. post.show (searches path: themes/{MyTheme}/resources/views/post/show.blade.php)
    • e.g. blog.index (search path: themes/{MyTheme}/resources/views/blog/index.blade.php)


Central location for managing fields for your Single.

Read full article for more information.



Visual configurtations for the Control Panel.

  • Show in Sidebar - Toggle whether Single will appear in the Control Panel sidebar.
  • Show as Quick Link - Toggle whether Single will show on the Dashboard.
  • Icon - Sidebar icon for Single (only applicable if Shown in Sidebar is enabled).
Have questions?

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have. Contact support or chat live with us on Discord.

Last edited on Monday, March 29, 2021 (3 years ago)