FusionCMS is currently in an open beta state and under heavy active development.


Coding Standards

Users are active visitors on your website who have an account. As an administrator you have complete control over what users are able to do, as well as their user-experience. Users will be able to register an account from your front-end or can be added through the back-end.

Creating Users

To get started, navigate to the Users > Users interface. You will be greeted by the User Overview page, which shows all users registered in the system along with their role and when they were created.

Click Create User to create a new user.

Creating a new User

Set the new users full name, e-mail address, status, and assign them a role.

Note: New users will be unverified and won't be able to login until they verify their e-mail and set their password.

Verify E-mail & Set Password

After creating a new user from the back-end a notification will be sent to the user having them verify their e-mail address. It's up to the user to click the Confirm Account link to complete the registration process where they will have a chance to set their password.

Confirm new user notification

View Users

At any point you will be able to view any individual user to view their activity, status, as well as, update their information (granted your role has the correct permissions).

View existing user

Edit Users

You can always revisit an user to to edit their information. Full name, e-mail address, status, and role.

Updating Passwords

You will only be able to edit your own account's password. To enforce another user to update their password use the Reset Password action mentioned below.


  • Send Verification - Re-send the verification e-mail to this user.
  • Reset Password - Re-send password reset e-mail to this user.
  • Expire Password - Force the user to reset their password upon next login attempt.
  • Delete User - Completely removes user from system (be careful!).

Edit existing user


Coding Standards

When FusionCMS is first installed, it configures a few user roles out of the box for you to get started. These default roles are required and cannot be removed.

  • Owner: There will only ever be one owner role, which is created upon a fresh FusionCMS install. This roll will have full access over the entire system. Plus, they are the only one to re-assign the role to another user.
  • Administrators: Have full access to every section of your website. When assigning this role to users, make sure you trust them as they'd have access to change anything about your website. This role is assigned to the user created during installation.
  • Users: The default role assigned to visitors who have signed up for an account. By default the assigned permissions are minimal; only having access to the public frontend of your website.
  • Guests: Any visitor who is not signed in is assigned the guest role. This allows you to specificy permissions and access even for those who do not have an account on your website.

Creating Roles

To create a new role, go to Users > Roles and click the "Create Role" button. You'll then be able to fill out the basic details of your new role, including its name, description, and which permissions the role has.

After creating a Role, you'll be able to make updates and manage permissions associated with that Role.


Each Role will be assigned a Level from 0-99, adding restrictions on inter-Role access. In other words, only a lower level can configure Roles or Users with Levels higher than their own. For example, an Adminstrator cannot edit the owner User or Role records.

Default Role Starting Levels:

  • Owner: 0
  • Administrator: 1
  • User: 5
  • Guest: 99


Coding Standards

FusionCMS supports a very granular permission system. Permissions are assigned to roles, which are then inherited by the user.

FusionCMS comes with many permissions out of the box, which cover all areas of your website. On top of this, when you create new resources through the control panel, new permissions will be generated specific for these.

To get a complete and up to date listing of permissions available, head on over to Users > Permissions.


Users will have the ability to subscribe to Notifications on the mail channel, which FusionCMS fire off regularly.

User Notifications

Have questions?

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have. Contact support or chat live with us on Discord.

Last edited on Thursday, January 28, 2021 (4 years ago)